
The Book…

Have you tried to think more positively? Have you said a myriad of affirmations and done a huge amount of mindset work, and although you’ve experienced moments of breakthroughs where you’ve seen glimpses of the person you know you can be, you feel like it’s not bringing you the consistent results it promises to? Have you read all of the books and taken all of the courses but you still feel like something isn’t working, like you’re waiting for your life to take off? 

Then this book will help you to understand how personal transformation is More Than A Mindset.

Don’t waste another day feeling low in energy, striving for goals you’re not even sure you want, battling with limiting thoughts, feelings and beliefs and not being the person deep down you know you can be. There’s a deeper level you need to access, and this book will show you how to go there.

More Than A Mindset was created out of frustration. Frustration that through all of the advice telling us ‘Mindset is the KEY’, through all of the self-help books, affirmations, and work we can do on our minds, why are so many people still so depressed, down and suicidal? Why are so many people meandering through life not reaching their potential? Why are so many people suffering so much? Surely something is missing.

And More Than A Mindset is the 4 Other Missing Pieces.

“A practical daily workout to transform your life on every level.”

“This is spiritual transformation made easy.”

“Laura-Jane explains with clarity why success is More Than A Mindset.”

Book Released 15th January 2021

More Than A Mindset - Available to Buy Now on Amazon and Kindle