Do you ever wake up and feel tired, bored and almost dreading the day ahead..? Do you ever feel lost, low and uninspired?

Did you know that on average, we only access 10% of our energy in a day?

60% is lying dormant, asleep or creating things we don’t even want.

And 30% is blocked trapped and locked up because of the tough times and trauma we’ve been through.

Turn YourSelf On unlocks + activates more of your good energy so you don’t need to keep trying to figure everything out and staying stuck.

It’s Time To Turn YourSelf On… Daily

WTF is this all about…?

I mean whatever a WOMAN has been through: Whatever her version of pain, trauma, upset or hurt is. Whatever has caused her sadness, anxiety and distress.

Whatever causes…

Her HEART to feel broken

Her MIND to worry

Her SOUL to be starved

Her SPIRIT to be low and

Her BODY to nudge her that something’s off track…

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 It doesn’t mean she’s broken, that something’s wrong with her and that she’s not good enough.

It doesn’t mean she needs to find herself or fix herself.

Yes, she might 2nd guess herself, hold back, push people away, stick around with the wrong guy or push a good one away.

Yes, she’ll likely deny herself pleasure, self-sabotage her good, doubt herself and dim her light.

But she’s not broken.

It means there’s an ENERGY, her FEMININE ENERGY, that’s blocked. And it causes havoc in her relationships, business and life.

It’s her sexual energy but it’s more than just sex. This is how she creates, how she feels, her connection to pleasure, love, abundance, confidence and success.

And it’s time to reconnect women back to it.

Let’s Re-Activate Your Feminine POWER

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Laura-Jane Hand

Creator of Turn YourSelf On… Daily

Feminine Power Activator

Many women spend years searching for answers, trying to find, fix and heal themselves. And they don’t realise that the missing ingredient, the ‘thing’ that will shift everything… is right inside of them.

Turn YourSelf On… Daily started as a podcast and has now been turned into an online course to activate and upgrade YOU. So you can stop searching and start feeling miles better about yourself and your dreams.

It’s 8 energetic activation sessions to realign, rebalance and tunr on your energy because did you know that we only tap into 10% of our energy a day to create what we dream of.

60% of our energy is asleep, lying dormant or creating what we don’t actually want. And 30% is blocked, locked up and trapped because of the tough times and trauma that we’ve been through.

Until now though. Join myself and Kylie Bertram, where we guide you through back inside your body to turn on and activate more of your good energy. You have complete control over this and we will help you.


 “I’ve done all sorts of energy + healing work, shamanic work, you name it. But what we did tonight shifted something so deep.”


If you’ve read all of the books and said every affirmation known to man. If your mastermind group told you to do something a certain way and it just doesn’t feel right. If you’ve done manifesting challenges but they didn’t work as you’d hoped. If you’ve done meditation challenges and still wake up feeling anxious. If you’re fed up trying to work out why. This is the secret... There’s a part of YOU that needs re-activating first. It hasn’t gone anywhere, you’re not missing it, you don’t need to buy it or fix it. It’s just lying dormant. And it’s rarely focused on. Until NOW.

Here’s What Women Are Already Saying..!