Are you ready to clear what’s in the way of you receiving the money + wealth you dream of..?

Are you ready to clear out the doubt + fear and make way for more of the good stuff..?

You shouldn’t be living your life consumed by fear + the crap that holds you back.

If you’ve ever thought: “Am I pretty enough? Slim enough? Is it working? Am I on the right path? What if I fail? What will people think? What if I upset anyone? Do I know enough? Am I too old, too young, too late to the party?

If you’ve ever feared illness, death, disease, not having enough money and loosing something.

If you’ve ever spent your days feeling low, anxious, defeated, worried and not enough.

The you’re in the right place because it’s time that all changed.

It’s likely that you’re not walking around thinking: “I’m not worthy, I’m not good enough.” It’s a vibe you’ve picked up and learned to live with.

And saying a cute affirmation 1000 times a day will barely scratch the surface. It’s time to go deeper than that.

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So if you’re ready for the tools to change this that you can keep coming back too. Tools that make a dufference. Get ready gorgeous… because we’re going too…

Clear the Fear… finally.

This is what happens when you Clear The Fear without having to figure it all out…

 “It’s not about figuring out why you don’t feel good enough or what’s blocking your good + where it’s all come from. It’s about clearing it. And you’ll learn how YOU can do this every single day so YOU can take your power back. ”

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This is for you if…

…You’ve ever been tormented by thoughts + feelings of doubt, fear + lack.

"It's not working." (doubt)

“When will it work? How will it work?” (doubt)

“Where’s the frickin’ deals, clients, money + progress?” (doubt)

"It's all on me." (fear)

"I don't know what to do next." (doubt)

"I can't do it." (doubt)

"I'm not good enough, I don't know enough." (lack)

“I don’t have enough ___.” (lack)

"There's not enough clients, deals, opportunities, time, money, energy." (lack)

“What will people think? Will I p*ss people off?” (fear)

And if you fear illness, disease, death, having money, having no money, loosing something, having something. (fear)

And this ^^^ DRAINS you from creating a business + life that you love.

AMAZING Feedback…


How would you feel if you FINALLY knew what you wanted + let go og EVERYTHING that’s in the way of you receiving it..?

Would it feel… Relieving? Amazing? Exciting? Really f*ckin good?

Well, this is exactly why I created Clear The Fear because I know you know the theory. I know you're tired to figure everything out and make good sh*t happen... but if something always feels like its stopping you from going to your next level and creating the kind of business + life you dream of, we're going to clear all of that up.

In these 3 life changing sessions...

  1. You'll gain crystal clear clarity on YOUR dreams. Finally. No more going along with someone else’s dreams, or what you think you should be doing, or even… not knowing what you want and struggling to write goals you don’t really buy into. You'll be taken on a guided journey to uncover the answers already inside of you.

  2. You'll clear the fear that’s in the way + stopping you from knowing this ^^^ and bringing it all to life.

  3. And then… you'll bring it to you and stop waiting, hoping + wondering when it’s all going to happen. You'll take your power back.

The best part of this work is, you won’t just be creating what you think you want… you’ll be guided to receive this wisdom from your soul, your higher-self, whatever you want to call it. 

You’ll be clearing the energetic blocks within and around you to allow more wealth + money to flow to you.

You’ll be clearing out the doubt + fear and making room for more of the good stuff.


You don’t need to analyse it all + figure it all out. It’s so much easier than that.

When you clear things up from the inside out, that’s when your business + life will go to the next level.

3 Life Changing Modules + 10 BONUSES

Clear The Fear + Be Her Now + Your Guided Vision + Energy Clearing Sessions

Plus a VIP Invite to Join us in The Wealthy Woman’s Club in the next Monthly Group Call

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Session 1: We dive in at the deep end and start to clear the fear.. literally. We remove energetic blocks in and around you that are stopping your good from getting to you. And you can repeating this session whenever you need to.

Session 2: We understand what’s in your way and without over analysing it. We shift it.

Session 3: We collapse time and Be Her Now. And I think the title speaks volumes.


ENERGY CLEARING SESSION: Clear what’s in the way.



BONUS Session from The Wealthy Woman’s Club: Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself

VIP Invite to The Wealthy Woman’s Club next Monthly Group Call

As well as 10 bonus videos. You’ll also receive…

BONUS Session from The Wealthy Woman’s Club: Powerful Quests to Ask Yourself

And a VIP Invite to The Wealthy Woman’s Club next Monthly Group Call where you cans ee how you can create wealth in EVERY area of your life.

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I’m already on another course so will this be too much? Honestly, not at all. It’s actually a good thing. This will be a huge benefit to any other course because there isn’t anything like this and it works on you FEELING your best, so anything else you’re doing, will be massively improved through doing this. This is the work I believe everyone should do before they join any mastermind, course and programme because it’s working on the foundations and revolutionising how you think and feel.

I’ve done so many courses, how is this different? Because we work on the actual foundations, the root cause. No messing about. No more trying to figure everything out and searching for the answers. We build strong foundations so your business and life can really go to it’s next level.

I don’t want this to just be another course. Clear The Fear isn’t really a course, When I was struggling to work all of this out, I couldn’t find what I needed to help me so I created it. It’s the information that went to another level, all in one place. It’’s a way of life and you can keep repeating the sessions whenever you need a boost.

What is it all about and how can it help me? The whole point of Clear The Fear is to help you release the fear that holds you back without figuring it all out. When we focus on what really makes a difference, things shift.

What are your qualifications? I’m a trained yoga and breath work teacher and this forms the fundamentals of the healing work that we do. Plus I am a qualified performance and life coach so the combination makes a huge difference in your life.

I feel like I need 1:1 help. Great. Email

I can’t afford it. Honestly, this course is nothing compared to what I spent trying to work all of this out. If someone has told me the answers were in here, I’d have snatched their hand off. Plus, just look at the reviews… money coming in because when you clear the fear, you make room for the good stuff to come to you. Plus, that’s just a pattern that we can clear.

 Are You Ready To Clear The Fear..?

Let’s do this. It’s only £111 because I believe this work doesn’t need to break your bank account or send your nervous system into a state of shock to make you believe something will work.

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By enrolling in one of my courses, you agree to the T&C’s.

If you are joining now, I encourage you to do this intentionally. Do this for the version of you already inside of you, waiting to be unleashed. Do this on purpose because she’s ready to be seen and heard. Do this because it feels right for you.

Disclaimer: I love my work and I deeply believe in the principles in them. The success stories I speak about are from real women who have worked with me and have experienced incredible results. I don’t guarantee or warrant results, or increased income, and neither can I guarantee a particular result in your love life. The testimonials on this website may not be typical for all women. The more you put in, the more you get out.